Mission and Outreach
Our mission projects focus on bringing God’s message and grace to others in the world, in our nation, and in our city.
Global Missions
Mexico Cistern Ministry
We support the Mexico Cistern Ministry in their efforts to bring drinkable water to families in the Yucatan. Through a partnership with local churches, volunteers help local families build their own cistern that collects and purifies rain water. We support this ministry financially and through sending volunteers to help with building.
National Missions
Souper bowl of caring
We participate in the annual Souper Bowl of Caring, by collecting monetary donations and food donations for distribution to fight hunger and poverty in our nation.
Thank offering
We donate annual to the Thank Offering which provides food and water, alleviates homelessness, provides educational opportunities, promotes health, and improves the lives of women, children and men throughout the world in many other ways.
birthday offering
Presbyterian Women’s groups around the nation give to the Birthday Offering which funds special projects like building affordable housing, providing care for women and children who have experienced domestic violence, and other important work in our country.
Local Missions
ringing collection
Every Sunday in worship, in addition to the offering collected for the regular budget of the church, we collect coins and loose bills for special missions projects. We select a different mission project to support about once a quarter, and our intent is to support local missions through these offerings. Some of our missions:
Youth Immersion Project at First Presbyterian downtown that brings youth to live and serve in the inner city of Memphis for a week.
Support of a family within the Child Care program who suffered a tragic accident that impacted their income.
Providing Christmas dinner as well as gifts to families who would not have been able to celebrate Christmas otherwise due to financial situations.
Pop-tab Palooza
Pop-Tab is a way that Grace Presbyterian can support the mission of the Ronald McDonald House in Memphis. Carefully detach your pop-tab or you may call it a tab-top, and bring it to church and place it in the jar on the table in the narthex.
Great Cookie Sale
Each December, we hold our cookie sale where we invite our members and the public to purchase our homemade cookies, breads, and fruitcakes. The proceeds go to our Youth fund for outings and for scholarship to conferences and faith camps.
Bartlett Festival
We bring our tent to the Bartlett Festival each year to let the community know we are a caring, welcoming church. We also have fun hosting Bible trivia!