Morning Prayer on Zoom
9:30 AM09:30

Morning Prayer on Zoom

Morning prayer on Zoom continues the first three Wednesdays in December.  We sing a hymn, read Scripture, and pray by name for each person on the prayer list.  Email Pastor Mike to receive the link to join us.  We try to open the room by 9:20 a.m. so we can chat and visit, start at 9:30, and conclude by 10:00.

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Las Posadas
12:00 PM12:00

Las Posadas

Las Posadas is a Christmas custom from Mexico in which children re-enact the search by Joseph and Mary for a room in which to stay on the night of Jesus’ birth.  We help them on their journey by singing hymns and carols. A catered Mexican meal ($15/person; $50 max/family) follows.

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Morning Prayer on Zoom
9:30 AM09:30

Morning Prayer on Zoom

Morning prayer on Zoom continues the first three Wednesdays in December.  We sing a hymn, read Scripture, and pray by name for each person on the prayer list.  Email Pastor Mike to receive the link to join us.  We try to open the room by 9:20 a.m. so we can chat and visit, start at 9:30, and conclude by 10:00.

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Morning Prayer on Zoom
9:30 AM09:30

Morning Prayer on Zoom

Morning prayer on Zoom continues the first three Wednesdays in December.  We sing a hymn, read Scripture, and pray by name for each person on the prayer list.  Email Pastor Mike to receive the link to join us.  We try to open the room by 9:20 a.m. so we can chat and visit, start at 9:30, and conclude by 10:00.

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Easter Egg Hunt
11:00 AM11:00

Easter Egg Hunt

Children up through 5th grade are invited to hunt for eggs, and families are invited to stay for a light lunch after the egg hunt.  Please help by donating candy and small prizes (we have plenty of plastic eggs).  There is a donation box in the narthex as well as sign-up sheets for donations for items needed for lunch and for set up, clean up, and other egg hunt duties.  This is also a chance to give to the community as the Grace Childcare children are invited with their families. 

We will also have a small egg hunt after potluck on Easter Sunday, March 31st.  

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Tenebrae Service
7:30 PM19:30

Tenebrae Service

On Good Friday, March 29, we worship at 7:30 p.m.  This is the service of Tenebrae, a series of Scripture readings and the extinguishing of candles, emblematic of the gathering darkness surrounding the crucifixion, punctuated by three sung solos of Holy Week texts.  This service also contains some ancient liturgy and practices, particularly the “loud knocking,” indicative of resurrection, the first glimmer of hope of Easter.

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Maundy Thursday
6:30 PM18:30

Maundy Thursday

On Maundy Thursday, March 28, the “sacrificial soup” meal begins at 6:30 p.m.  This meal follows the pattern of the early church’s evening fellowship meals or love feasts, held prior to their formal sharing of Communion.  Worship begins at 7:30 p.m.  This service celebrates the institution of the Lord’s Supper, and so we celebrate this sacrament.  This service also incorporates some of the church’s ancient liturgy associated with Maundy Thursday and Good Friday and concludes with the “stripping of the church,” in which worshipers remove items used in the sanctuary so that the church is bare and without decoration or adornment on Good Friday.

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Palm Sunday Worship
11:00 AM11:00

Palm Sunday Worship

Palm/Passion Sunday is March 24.  We sing “All Glory, Laud and Honor” to the Jesus who comes to save us from sin, though not in the way we might have imagined. We look forward to the children processing about the sanctuary waving their palm branches during the hymn.  Palm Sunday is also Passion Sunday and the service on this day concludes with reading the Passion Narrative (this year from Mark) with members of the church taking various parts along with several responses by the entire congregation.

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Palm Cross Making, Easter Egg Hunt Prep, and Game Night
6:00 PM18:00

Palm Cross Making, Easter Egg Hunt Prep, and Game Night

“You got palm cross on my game night; you got game night on my palm cross.”  Stop, stop, you’re both right (to mix a couple of lines from some old TV commercials.)  So on Friday, March 22, come at 6:00 p.m. to fashion palm crosses to be worn on Palm Sunday, March 24.  Bring snacks if you like.  Many hands make light work (once you figure it out).  We will also make goodie bags for the Easter Egg hunt, and then shift to monthly game night, held this month on the fourth Friday since the fifth Friday is Good Friday.  So, come to one, come to two or all three, eat, or don’t eat, and we hope a good time will be had by all.

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