Due to COVID-19, most of our activities are online at different times. The information below is for when we resume in person. Check our newsletter and home page announcements for the most current details. We hope to resume the activities below when we can safely gather again.


Sunday School

Our youngest Sunday School class is for grades K-3. Children are taught by a member of the church, using a story-based, PCUSA curriculum. We focus on a story by hearing it read aloud, acting it out, creating crafts or art about it, singing, and playing games. Sunday School starts at 9:45 and lasts until roughly 10:30.


Sunday school

Our Youth (grades 4-8 and 9-12) meet for Sunday School at 9:45 until about 10:45. Our topics focus on applying God’s Word to daily life. We review Biblical themes and teachings and consider how God wants us to incorporate these in our interactions with others, and how to walk more closely with God.

monthly outings

We endeavor to meet once a month to have fellowship. Some months we have a study on a particular theme or topic; other months we complete service projects; and other months we just have fun being together. Check our Events page for our upcoming meeting.


Sunday school

We meet from 9:45 to 10:45 am to study and share ideas. Often, we are studying a book of the Bible that has been selected by vote of the class members. We read and reflect on the meaning of God’s Word by learning about the context in which the author is writing, the time and place in history the book was written, how culture and historical events may have impacted the author’s writing, and how the book relates to or is reflected in other books of the Bible.

We also have special topical classes during the year where we hear from our pastor or other PCUSA ordained ministers about a topic they are studying or an event in the wider community. Previous topics have included: the life and work of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Science and Religion, Hymnology, and What it Means to be Presbyterian.

Presbyterian Women

As part of the Presbyterian Church, USA, we support the ministry of the Presbyterian Women. We have a Day Circle and a Night Circle. Day Circle meets at 10 am on the second Tuesday of the month. Night Circle meets at 7 pm on the second Monday of the month. See our PW page for more details.