Children and Youth at Grace

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.


Children in Worship

We welcome children of any age to worship with us. A nursery is also available for infants through kindergarten. Children’s bulletins and activity books are available in the back of the sanctuary. About 15 minutes into worship, children are invited to the baptismal font for a time with the pastor. They can then return to their seats or go to the nursery.


Children in STudy

As part of our Christian Education, we have several opportunities for children and youth to study the Bible, faith, and applications of our faith to their daily lives.


Children in fellowship

Developing community in Christ is an important part of our Children and Youth program. The Youth meet once a month for a time of fellowship and service or study. Our children meet about once a quarter for a fun activity. We have special events throughout the year like the Easter Egg Hunt, Fall Festival, Breakfast with Santa. Check our Events page for upcoming fellowship opportunities.