In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Johnson Auxiliary at Regional One Health, Presbyterian Women of the Mid-South are requesting donations to fund an update of the chapel at the hospital. The chapel/prayer room was started by the Johnson Auxiliary more than 40 years ago and is used by many whose loved ones are being cared for at the hospital. We will have our next potluck on March 19 following worship, centering on the work of Johnson Auxiliary with emphasis on the updating of the chapel. Rather than purchasing items, consider how your donation will benefit and comfort those who visit the chapel – repainting the chapel, redoing the pew cushions, new carpeting, new wall hangings and lighting. Changes will be made to reorient the pews. You may bring your donation to the potluck on March 19, and we will mail a check for all donations given that day or send it individually using the forms found on the table in the narthex at church or at the top of the next page of the newsletter.
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Earlier Event: March 19
Worship (Lent)
Later Event: March 22
Morning Prayer on Zoom