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Zoom Book Study: Holy Envy

Author Barbara Brown Taylor is teaching Religions of the World 101 in a small, rural college in Georgia. She takes her students, herself, and us on field trips to monasteries, temples, and mosques to discover and think about the myriad ways other people and traditions encounter the transcendent. She takes heart in how often God chooses outsiders to teach insiders. She finds things to envy in all the traditions and that her faith could be improved by the faith of others. The one constant in her odyssey is the sense that God is the one calling her to discover God and to enrich her faith in other human beings and in God. A study guide with just a few good questions concerning each chapter will help us discover something new in our faith and the faith of others. There should be some lively and meaningful discussions!

Email Pastor Krech to be added to the class.

Earlier Event: March 3
Morning Prayer on Zoom
Later Event: March 7